When the Christopher Nolan Batman movies began taking the Dark Knight more seriously, Riddler was once again touted as a popular option, particularly ahead of The Dark Knight Rises. Related: Every Batman Villain Rumored To Appear In Dark Knight Rises (That Didn’t)

Naturally, Carrey's Riddler is played more for laughs, and only shows rare glimpses of the genuine menace the villain is capable of. With Jim Carrey replacing Williams, Riddler was certainly unhinged, but in the 'Jim Carrey' sense rather than the 'John Doe from Seven' sense.

Batman fans narrowly missed out on the tantalizing prospect of a Tim Burton era Riddler played by Robin Williams, but the role was recast when Joel Schumacher took the reigns for Batman Forever. As Batman moved onto the big screen, many fans felt that Riddler would be ideally suited to live-action, especially in a darker setting, but this has never quite come to pass.